The Scare Booster Pack


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For use with Mixtape Massacre, MM: Director’s Cut, and Escape from Tall Oaks

“They say the town of Tall Oaks was founded on a massacre brought to the region by its settlers. An evil history that runs deep through the roots of its grounds. Every Halloween, this evil manifests into a vessel of revenge for the victims of Tall Oaks’ dark history. The Scare has emerged from the field of Johnson’s Farm to pull the town back into the soil.”

1 New Slasher character piece
1 Character profile card
1 Special Ability Token (unique to the character)
3 New “Killer Scenes, Dude” cards themed to the character
1 Special Ability reference card
1 Slasher Profile card (for use with Escape From Tall Oaks)

Note: Red & Black Stands not included with booster pack. Use stands included with base game.


Cards Included in the Booster

Killer Scenes, Dude (3)

Now this is my kind of party.
Time to carve some pumpkins…
You’re next!